Unitarian Universalism

We Welcome You!

Unitarian Universalism is an exciting, growing, living faith tradition. We have a proud history which begins in the earliest days of the Christian faith with thinkers and leaders who proclaimed the oneness of God (Unitarian) and the salvation of all (Universalist). In the reformation, Unitarianism was (re)born as a faith of reason, religious tolerance, and commitment to faithful and compassionate living. Unitarianism and Universalism were vital and strong influences in the early years of our nation's development when we led the way toward a more democratic vision of religious and civic life. Our traditions were reborn again in transcendentalism, evolution, humanism, and the social gospel movement.

In America the Universalist Church in America was founded in 1793 and the American Unitarian Association in 1825. These two churches merged to form the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) in 1961.

Unitarian Universalism a Distinct Religion

While Unitarian Universalism is deeply rooted in the Christian faith and is sometimes referred to as a "denomination," it is actually a distinct religion. Unitarian Universalism has become a living multi-religious faith -- a faith of deeds in place of creeds, a faith of hope in place of despair, and a faith of justice in place of apathy and oppression. It is a lived faith. We invite you to join us on this journey.

What do Unitarian Universalists Believe?

We are a non-creedal faith, and we have no required statement of belief. Our members and friends have religious and spiritual ideas drawn from a variety of sources: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Earth Centered Traditions, Taoism, and varieties of mysticism, humanism, and skepticism. Sometimes we use the metaphor of "one mountain with many paths" - that the source of truth is accessible in many ways.

There is, however, a set of values and principles that unite Unitarian Universalists. In 1985 The Unitarian Universalist Association adopted a statement of Principles and, in addition, identified the Sources which provide the foundation for these Principles and our living faith.

Unitarian Universalist Principles

As Unitarian Universalists we covenant to affirm and promote:

  • The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
  • Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
  • The free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
  • The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process in our congregations and in society at large;
  • The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;
  • Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Unitarian Universalists Sources

The living tradition of Unitarian Universalism draws from many sources:

  • Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life;
  • Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming powers of love;
  • Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
  • Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
  • Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of mind and spirit;
  • Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.

Open Circle Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
19 E. Third Street, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935

  • 10:00 AM - Virtual Worship Service Every Sunday
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